Monday 18 November 2013

Disaster :(

So I managed to get some more layers of paint on the Capri and also got it lacquered.

It was looking awesome and I was really happy with the finish...

However, because I was impatient and did both in one day, the lacquer didn't have enough time to harden before it got cold and frosted over :(

So it looks like it will need respraying...oh well, for a while it looked amazing :D teaches me to be more patient in future.

Thursday 31 October 2013


A few things have happened since the last update: made my roof and sunroof lining, got the car primed and managed to get a layer of paint on.

Also, my steering wheel came :D and I've modified the BMW headlights and backplates to work with each other, so they can go on once they're painted :D

Hopefully have chance to put another layer of paint and lacquer on it before the weather goes completely bad, otherwise it will have to wait til next year :(

Friday 18 October 2013

New stuff!

Well since the last update, nothing much has been done to the Capri because of the weather. I have however managed to under seal the lower part of the car and got a few new parts.

New headlights. BMW E30 angel eyes, which will be getting modifies to fit.

 Lower edge of the car sealed.

 New rooflining material.

 New carpet!

Monday 7 October 2013

Getting Close.

Not updated this in a while but got a fair bit done.

Sealed the floor inside the car, repaired the bit underneath the window, repaired the front of the bonnet, repaired the doors (and de-locked them) and have managed to get the underside of the bonnet, boot and doors painted, along with the door posts.

Next on the list is to get the outside body work rubbed down, filled if necessary, get it all flat and smooth, prime it, rub down until that's completely smooth and then get it painted.

Just a case of buying rest of parts then and putting everything back in. Getting close now.

Sunday 22 September 2013

Broke my finger.

First off got some more stuff ordered. New JS Performance engine and radiator hoses and new poly bump stops.

 Also got the front wings finished and shultz'ed, and inside the headlights as well.

 Finally got the engine pay painted and the front suspension bolted back on :D

 How she's sitting right now.

Gearbox painted 'Ford Tractor Blue'.

Also, as the title suggests, I broke my finger because one of the front springs was compressed to get the strut top mount off and the clamp slipped when I had my hand over it, so it shot up and took my finger out....never mind though, eh? More to come soon.

Monday 9 September 2013

More progress.

So since the last post post, I've got the boot fully primed and sprayed purple, finished priming the engine bay, repaired the panel under the window (still needs sanding down) and also welded the nearside front wing back on.

Just a small hole on the offside door post to fix, and then the rest of the front valance and most of the bodywork will be done. There will just be the bonnet and doors to sort and all the welding will be done.

Getting real close to being ready to paint :D

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Slowly taking shape.

Got some more done to the Capri the last few days, managed to get the front axle rebuilt, got the engine bay mostly prepared for paint and got the boot cleaned up and sealed, ready for paint. Also, got the passenger side door post welded up and started prepping the back end of the car for paint.

Saturday 24 August 2013

Slow week.

Not much has happened this last week, however the drivers side front is now completely welded up, including new strut top panels. So just the passenger side to do, which has been getting cleaned up ready for some panels to be made and welded on. Then all that's left is the bonnet and doors but they can be done off the car.

Also, since all the welding is nearly done, I decided to get some paint bought. Went for a dark metallic purple; very similar to 'Ford Velvet Purple', only a bit darker.

I got some new parts delivered as well. Braided brake lines, new handbrake dust covers and four wide angle blue LED's for behind the dash dials.

Lastly, got the struts and shockers painted in 'Ford Tractor Blue'. The rear shockers have been bolted onto the car, which means the back end is definitely nearly done, and the front struts have been rebuilt with new shockers and springs, ready for when the engine bay is painted and the front axle can get bolted back on.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

More stuff painted.

Got most of the front axle sprayed up today, just got the brake calipers, struts and shocks to do and the underneath will be completely done (as far as painting goes).

Most of the welding on the drivers side front has also been finished, so just the passenger side to finish, then repair the bonnet and doors and it'll be ready for paint preparation. 

Getting the paint this week so will make another post to show that.

Sunday 4 August 2013


Turned the car round now the back end is done. Started digging and found more rust and holes to sort...

Going to start tackling these areas within the next few weeks, then I've got the doors and bonnet to deal with and all the body work will be complete.

Also have to get a new windscreen as well, as the one that was in cracked as I was taking it out.